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2025 Timetable -
Age Groups are based on your child's school year as of Term 1, 2024
Select your child's age group below:



Our Classes


One of our most popular dance styles, Jazz is an upbeat dance class that burns energy and is a whole lot of fun. 

In Jazz classes your child will learn traditional jazz movements with modern teaching methods.

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Acrobatics at Malabar Dance Crew uses the internationally recognised, Acrobatic Arts syllabus.

This syllabus ensures safe progressions to help your child reach their tumbling potential. This syllabus is great for flexibility, strength and conditioning.


Examinations are available & optional. 

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Hip Hop

Get ready to Pop, Lock and Break it down in our Hip Hop classes. This style has students learning the latest street dance moves and incorporates breakdancing skills for that extra level of FUN!



Get ready to "fly", Cheerleading teaches safe stunting and teamwork! 

Cheerleading classes at Malabar Dance Crew combine both Commercial and American Cheerleading.


Tapatak Oz is an internationally recognised syllabus that brings personality to tap. 


Tap is great for teaching rhythm, transfer of weight and controlled foot movements. This class is LOUD and full of personality. 

Examinations are available & optional. 


Ballet Classes at Malabar Dance Crew are taught using the Royal Academy of Dance Syllabus. This prestigious and world recognised syllabus teaches the foundation of dance. 


Ballet is perfect for dancers who want to take their discipline, technique and training to the next level. 

Examinations are available & optional. 

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Roll Up! Roll Up! The circus has arrived at Malabar Dance Crew. Circus training will have your child experiencing new heights with our aerial skills training, flexibility and strength training.



International Dance Technique ensures that your child is developing Strength and Flexibility training with safe progressions. 

This class is designed to cater for all ages and is self paced to ensure students reach their maximum potential. 

Musical Theatre

Does your child love acting and singing? 
Musical Theatre is all about releasing your child's personality and bringing out their best using the latest music from Broadway.

This class is great for shy children and will have them out of their shell in no time. 


Contemporary is for students looking for an expressive and emotive dance style. Using the latest industry trends this popular dance style has students flowing with emphasis through the motions.

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